Be a leader,


not a follower. It is not only a call to action but a mindset. The following parties are leaders and brands that challenge the stauesquo 


Team Members


Richard Meharry


"Style is just an extension of your personality"


Dalin Williams

Media Creator

"We are all given the same amount of time. So I'm going to make the most of mine"


Men With Style

Your Name Here

"We are always looking for talented, passionate individuals in or about fashion. Contact us if you consider yourself someone who enjoys fashion, and is knowledgeable of their style."


 Companies, People, Brands


OwlsNest Web Masters
Partner, Web Design, Tech Advisor

"Too many companies try to mystify the process of website creation. We believe in a more straight forward approach - we create a webpage catered to your audience, and the principles that you hold dear"


Luxurious Technical Sportswear for Everyday

"Welcome to the Wardrobe



Your Company Here

Have a product you would like to advertise? A story to tell? Food to eat?? Let us know below, we would love to speak with you!


It often helps if one does not swim alone


The Seattle Gents

A group of men with style. Partnerships, promotions, and reviews. Follow them on FaceBook @SeattleGents.

Who Are We Looking For

We enjoy a wide variety of people - fashion benefits when more people participate in making it better. If you don't find into the following, flip through the spin-box to other, and reach-out regardless.


We here at AMAS believe that a good product speaks for itself. We also believe that communication is a strange thing, and that it can be hard to get out an idea. We don't claim to be experts, but we do take an interesting take. We value your opinion, how can we help in this function? 

We can provide:

  • Giveaways & Contests
  • Product Reviews
  • Travel Sponsorship
  • Banner Ads
  • Organization/Charity Promotional


It is only lonely at the top if you don't bring anyone with you. Work with AMAS to create content that will enrich our communities. 

A Few Examples:

  • Photographers/Videographers  
  • Influencers 
  • Models 
  • Bloggers 
  • Stylists 
